Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sample Message To A Baby Im 16 Years Old And Pregnant. I Need Help With Baby Stuff PLEASE HELP!?

Im 16 years old and pregnant. I need help with baby stuff PLEASE HELP!? - sample message to a baby

I am 35 weeks pregnant and need help, that things for babies. I try to list the CREG. Is there a website or someone / somewhere I could call for help. Do you know a site that works, send me free samples of infants. Please help me. Thank you.
If you wish, you can send me an e-mail. Thank you for your time and support.


Neni is having a GiRL!! #1 said...

MMMM know. It does not seem to have a baby shower. N craigslist recommed, because most of the things I have been very well made, so do not think it's good for the baby. Baby R Us, for me, the last of the baby shop in comparison to others. Target has the prices are also right.
Good luck

nottrina said...

I saved a lot of money by going to garage sales and flea markets.
and bought a crib that cost $ 329 in the memory for only $ 100. I have an ad in the newspaper =)

Formula is expensive, and breastfeeding is free.

tries in the WIC program?
WIC and I save about $ 30 every time you go shopping.

Find out if your department is good.
Who can give you more information on the support with food and money.

EDIT::: and it is used absolutely nothig wrong with my stuff. detailed examination, wash it well and then it's as if your life depended on it.

Mepie said...

May Release Cycle
Even if you go to any company, such as Huggies, Pampers, Enfamil, .. ect always free samples and coupons. Baby Search free online samples and will. I doubt that living in the vicinity of Ontario in Canada, if you send an e-mail because I get many things for baby. Having a Baby Shower and so much fun.

teacherm... said... and is ideal for the purchase (we use it for everything!) offers Publix Baby Club and send coupons. WIC expected to get. I believe you can contact your local health department. for it. They offer good food and formula rich in protein. I hope that helps!

harmonyj... said...

You can try Kijiji and Nestlé Baby

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