Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hanging Panties Wedgie What Should I Do? A Matter Of Business Ethics......?

What should I do? A matter of business ethics......? - hanging panties wedgie

There is a woman in my shop. His pants are on the back, and Granny panties hung show. Should I try to be helpful and the report of the fashion faux pas with her? Or should I try to "OC" of it?


iderathe... said...

I'de still the same .... Convert tanga panty wedgie grandmother in a way .... do it!

moveplea... said...

leave the old general and for the love of God. And watching yourself a favor and stop!

moveplea... said...

leave the old general and for the love of God. And watching yourself a favor and stop!

moveplea... said...

leave the old general and for the love of God. And watching yourself a favor and stop!

moveplea... said...

leave the old general and for the love of God. And watching yourself a favor and stop!

wellaem said...

leave the poor woman alone and simply ignore

goldwing said...

Select .... wedgie thank you later.

as400_gu... said...

It fits!

t-bird said...

For your protection, women find a client and explain the situation to her and ask her to approach the poor woman. Otherwise, you may be searching for a sexual harassment complaint directed against him.
Some people only see themselves in the face and have no idea what they look like from the rear view ....

Stacy R said...

To say Just walking by his side, and the excuse that my mother and I will move backwards'm grateful.

missingl... said...

If your business, not (say why or give the song of Sunday, if you think appropriate) the most? Is not that why they stopped?

bryton10... said...

You should not embarress Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure there were times they did not know something.

bryton10... said...

You should not embarress Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure there were times they did not know something.

Mare said...

It would be polite to put it mildly. You may be ashamed. But I know that if I did not know to continue making a fool out of me. I understand when someone tells me Theres something PPL yuor chin or in your hair, clothes ... whatever.

kimberly k said...

I think you should leave them alone, they may try, a man should not !!!!!

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